Directory Listing

directorylistingIf you have a business, which needs users to submit, and register, or you want to show products in different categories, directory listings can be your perfect choice. Directory listings are not a search engine and they don’t necessarily work with keywords, instead they work with categories. Categories can be chosen according to the location, type of product, material, price, age or any other things as you want. Directory listing is a great tool for businesses that want to use data entry, whether by users or by own agents.

 It is very common to have directory listings for businesses, which sell products. With this kind of listing, the business can always be aware of the number of remaining products, finished ones, most asked ones, and many more detail. If the business wants online selling, using directory listings is vital to be able to give a good service to the customers and always provide reliable information about the product for them.


Persian Web Design can develop your website with a directory listing that features:

→ We can provide personal web pages for each item in the category and we can create featured items for your premium users or products with different options

→ A search engine for your items and filters for better search results in the listings with the ability to combine different filters

→ Auto responder services to send automatic emails to users or who subscribe or submit anything, ask for or buy any products

→ We can host photos, videos and any other data for your listings

Persian Web Design is glad to offer all our Iranian clients whatever directory related service they need. We help you with the categories and the way you want to categorize your products. We know the most effective marketing ways to show products and attract customers for the market in Toronto.